Hail to the King
After defeating Archimonde in the battle for Mount Hyjal, a new threat has arisen to put Azeroth in danger. The first campaign will take you with the Nagas—snake-like creatures that used to be Night Elves. Illidan Stormrage pledges allegiance to the Nagas after escaping from his prison and obtains an artifact of great power: The Eye of Sargeras. His old warden, Maiev Shadowsong, will have to pursue Illidan and put him behind bars again. The second campaign deals with the Blood Elves (remainder of the High Elves), led by Kael’Thas. They belong to the human alliance, but human marshal Lord Garithos despises them. After finding that Kael’Thas received help from the Nagas in the past, he imprisons the Blood Elves. Then, Kael and his people are set free by Lady Vashj, the leader of the Nagas, so they join Illidan’s side. In the third campaign, the undead are divided into three factions. We follow Arthas, leader of one of the factions, in his path to become the New Lich King in Northrend. All these little stories serve to prepare the player for a huge clash between two big characters: Arthas and Illidan. There is also a bonus campaign, similar to Diablo’s playstyle, which features a Beastmaster called Rexxar as he plans a strategy to develop and defend a new home for the orcs, the land of Durotar.

Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne 1.26a Features
Some of the features of this expansion pack are listed below:
- New epic storyline, featuring two of the greatest characters in Warcraft’s universe: Arthas Menethil and Illidan Stromrage
- Several new units, heroes and buildings are available for each race
- Naval units have been reintroduced into this title
- New mechanics for the items have been added, like neutral marketplaces
- World Editor has been greatly improved, allowing the creation of custom tilesets and player-built campaigns, among other features

If you are interested in Warcraft III: The frozen Throne and you need more information before you download it, feel free to check the developers’ official website.
System requirements for the download
These are the minimum system requirements to download and run this strategy game:
- Operating system: Windows XP or higher
- Processor: 400 MHz Pentium II or AMD Equivalent
- RAM Memory: 128 MB or higher
- Hard Disk: 550 MB free available
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